Workshop on Emerging Services in the Greater Bay Area Program

Sunday July 7

9:00 – 10:00
Location: Madrid 2
Session Chair: Cuiyun Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen

Opening Statement
Zibin Zheng Sun Yat-sen University
Keynote1: How AI is Changing the World of Software Engineering
Tao Zhang, Macau University of Science and Technology
keynote2: Towards Dependable Large Language Models
Shuai Wang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

10:40 – 11:50
Location: Madrid 2
Session Chair: Zigui Jiang, Sun Yat-sen University

Exploration On Prompting LLM With Code-Specific Information For Vulnerability Detection
Zhihong Liu, Zezhou Yang and Qing Liao
Characterizing, Detecting, and Correcting Comment Errors in Smart Contract Functions
Yutong Cheng, Haowen Yang, Zhengda Li and Lei Tian.
On Optimization of Traditional Chinese Character Recognition
Yanbo Huang, Subrota Kumar Mondal, Yuning Cheng and Chengwei Wang.
Toward Automatic Number Plate Recognition: A Deep Learning Based Study for Macau
Fansong Dai and Subrota Kumar Mondal.
Evaluating the repair ability of LLM under different prompt settings
Xiaolong Tian
eWAPA: An eBPF-based WASI Performance Analysis Framework for WebAssembly Runtimes
Chenxi Mao, Yuxin Su, Shiwen Shan and Dan Li.
A Review of Software Testing Process Log Parsing and Mining
Kehan Xue, Qiang Han, Sheng Han, Zhichao Shi and Yiyin Qiao.